Spider mites, over and over and over
On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 04:19:10 GMT, Jonathan Sachs
On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:27:36 GMT, Phisherman wrote:
Spider mites become resistant quickly. Alternate Malathion, mitacide,
and insecticidal soap every 4-5 days. Make sure you spray under the
leaves. Your problem should get under control after 5 or 6
alternating treatments.
Thank you for the suggestions. I looked up "miticide" and found that
there are several different varieties: methoprene, hydroprene,
permethrin, probably others. What type would you advise me to look
Just having three different types is what you want. Your local
farmer's co-op may have a good product for mites. I have used "MiteX"
by Bonide (a mix of cottonseed oil, cloves, and garlic), Malathion,
and a home-made insecticidal soap (from Fels Naptha soap). All these
can be safely used on food plants. Direct contact with the mites is
required and a pressurized garden sprayer set to a fine mist is ideal.
Use warm water to mix up your spray. Greenhouses are particularly
subject to mass mite infestations. Use 5X magnifying glass 2-3 times
a week looking under young leaves.