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Old 29-07-2007, 02:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default Cat & squirrel barrier?

On 29/7/07 13:01, in article , "Nick
Maclaren" wrote:

In article ,
Sacha writes:
| New one to me but the endorsements seem to suggest it works:

Yes and no. The 'explanations' are complete, er, crap. And, of
course a physical barrier will work - I use chicken wire, as has
been used and recommended by gardeners since the industrial
revolution created it .... The traditional method uses any
convenient twigs - hawthorn hedge clippings are what used to be
recommended before chicken wire became cheap.

Its claim that it can be used to protect lawns is true, but only
in a politician's sense of 'true', and not in anyone else's. You
would need them dense and tall enough round all edges to stop cats
and squirrels walking, climbing or jumping over them, which would
make mowing impossible without removing them every time.

It will protect ONLY where you place it, and is a fiendishly
expensive way of doing what you could do yourself using wire loops
or any suitable twiggery.

I imagine the 'attraction' in these is that they're pre-formed and that they
look nicer than wire bits and pieces. I don't think most would mind chicken
wire in the veg. garden but possibly not among the flower beds,

(remove weeds from address)
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