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Old 25-07-2007, 09:49 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
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Default Cats in my garden

"Daisy Black" wrote in message

Electronic cat repellers are meant to be quite good at getting rid of
these unwanted visitors. I've had enough of cats using my garden as a
toilet so I've just ordered one of these from this website but i was wondering if anyone knows if they
work. My dad has one and says so. Any other opinions pls?

Daisy Black

Yes they do work Daisy but you really need to have either the mains facility
of re-chargeable batteries.

Have you taken all the precautions to keep the vermin out such as carpet
strips along the top of fences, gates and walls?

Making sure that all freshly raked soils is very wet in the evening?

Best of luck in ridding your garden of the vermin


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