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Old 23-07-2007, 06:32 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default ID Butterfly or moth

On 23/7/07 17:05, in article
, "Sacha"

On 23/7/07 14:22, in article , "Malcolm"

In article , Sacha
I've just seen a beautiful butterfly or moth on the Japanese anemone leaves.
I fear it's taking a hammering in this constant rain but don't know what it
is or what if anything, I should do for it. It's wings are folded flat, not
spread and it has very distinctive black and white stripes on each wing with
a scarlet line down the middle of its 'back'. Anyone know what it is or if
I should put it in a jar with some of whatever it eats?

It's one of the tiger moths, probably Garden Tiger, which has bright
orange hindwings, which hardly show when the upper pair are closed.
There are one or two other tigers, including Wood, which have
black-and-white striped upper wings.

Have a look at:

They're not quite it. With the wings folded, there is a white stripe right
down the back with a touch of the scarlet showing.


Sorry to answer myself but I think this is it, though I haven't seen the
wings open:
This site says it's a protected species and is found in southern Europe,
Asia Minor and the Middle East, so I'm not quite sure what it's doing in
(remove weeds from address)
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