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Old 22-07-2007, 11:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Cat(h)[_2_] Cat(h)[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 45
Default Identification of salads please?

On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 21:43:44 +0100, Stewart Robert Hinsley

In message , "Cat(h)"
With the poor weather and the general lack of time, I have had little
time to do much in and keep an eye on the garden. However, in recent
times, I have noticed some plants growing in a straight line where I
sowed half of a packet of mixed lettuce leaves. However, they do not
look like anything I have ever seen or eaten as lettuce until now.
Can anyone please take a look at tell me whether these are safe to
eat? There are two types. The first photo shows them together, and
the second and third focus on the two different types.

The other half of the packed, sowed on another row, has not even
germinated - whether this is due to poor weather or whether the seeds
have been eaten by something, I don't know.



I'm not going to claim that I can identify the plants, though the
suggestions of rocket and salad Brassicas are plausible, but there are
also things known as oak leaf lettuces.

Salad brassica, quite possibly for what looks like radish tops. Oak
leaf, I grow in other parts and this is definitely not it.
Also, the one suggested to be "rocket" does not look anything like the
rocket which i am also growing nearby.
I grow mixed lettuce most years, and this is the first time those two
types of leaves have come up - hence my astonishment.

Thanks for all your efforts.