Thread: Imminent storm
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Old 22-07-2007, 08:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default Imminent storm

On 22/7/07 18:51, in article
, "La Puce"

On 22 Jul, 15:24, Sacha wrote:
One of the reasons I posted that is because

We don't care what goes on in your head Sacha Hubbard. Shut up now,
just shut up. We are fed up to the back teeth of your Lady like
behaviour, fed up you are getting to me at every opportunity. Leave
me be and let others be who they are. Do not respond to my posts. Do
not follow me about telling me if I did reply rightly or wrongly to
anybody. You started this with my 'decorated green roof'. You are mean
and evil, nasty and your tirades make you look cheap. That's because
you are. Just-let-me-be. Do not speak of me, do not speak to me.

I really don't know what's wrong with you but I'd take a couple of aspirin,
if I were you. Constantly insulting me as to my name or past name, meets
I've held, which were before you bounced in here shouting at everyone, is
just pathetic. You are truly ridiculous.
I said nothing insulting or derogatory about your roof. I said it was
decorated! It is - with chamomile. What you objected to IF you were to be
truthful was that I pointed out that a decorated roof which isn't walked on
is not the lawn or paths the OP had enquired about. This led you into a
hysterical tirade because of course, Puce must never be gainsaid and off you
go! Letting us know who you email and who emails you is just part of your
ploys for unsettling the group every chance you get. I repeat, you're a
menace and if you don't want someone on a public newsgroup to speak to you,
don't post rude, insulting and attacking remarks to them or about them. I
had said nothing personal to you or about you but query your gardening
'advice', which was totally inappropriate to the original question, and you
go mad!
I said nothing rude about your shed roof but you're like a hissing kettle,
as usual. For goodness sake learn to govern yourself and your disgraceful

(remove weeds from address)
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