Laurel hedging
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21-07-2007, 05:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 214
Laurel hedging
In message , Nick Maclaren
In article ,
Sacha writes:
| On 21/7/07 14:10, in article
, "Klara"
| wrote:
| On the side that is the neighbour's (thankfully to the East), he once
| didn't top it for 10-12 years. It had shot up to well over our (high)
| bedroom windows, to maybe near 25-30 feet.... It has now not been cut
| again for 5 or so years, but we're on good terms with them and don't
| like to say anything....
| Not even, "could WE take a bit off the top of your hedge so that we can look
| out of the bedroom"?
Or even, if it is your hedge, "Do you mind if we come round and trim
your side of our hedge?"
We did that when our next door neighbours were an elderly couple.
They were actually very happy for me to include much of their
Himalayan Giant in that ....
Nick Maclaren.
Unfortunately he is not only younger than we are, but he also has two
men working for him, in part in his garden, so any such suggestion from
the elderly neighbours might come across as a bit ... umm ...
Klara, Gatwick basin
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