Thread: Laurel hedging
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Old 21-07-2007, 03:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default Laurel hedging

On 21/7/07 14:10, in article , "Klara"

In message , Sacha
This has been a strange year for so many plants but it's certainly been
wet enough to get many going. But see my reply to WaltA about Ray's
take on laurel in a general sense. It's evergreen, it's fast, it makes
a good thick, attractive hedge - lots to be said for it.

The recommendation is to cut it with secateurs or loppers in order not
to damage the leaves.... Ha! We're surrounded by 780 feet of it....

On the side that is ours, we keep it to 8 feet or so, and it's a nice
neat hedge.

On the side that is the neighbour's (thankfully to the East), he once
didn't top it for 10-12 years. It had shot up to well over our (high)
bedroom windows, to maybe near 25-30 feet.... It has now not been cut
again for 5 or so years, but we're on good terms with them and don't
like to say anything....

Not even, "could WE take a bit off the top of your hedge so that we can look
out of the bedroom"?

But if anyone here thinks they've got a hedge to trim, look at this one!

(remove weeds from address)
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