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Old 20-07-2007, 10:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Robert \(Plymouth\)[_8_] Robert \(Plymouth\)[_8_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 1
Default Potato blight question

Pam Moore wrote:
:: On the news last night they featured a potato grower who was having
:: to spray his crop against blight more frequently than usual, and
:: thus at greater expense.
:: What is the spray the commercial growers use?
:: Is there nothing other than Bordeaux mixture availble to us? I tried
:: it one year on my tomatoes and it was horrible.
:: Some of my plants have had to be removed. My allotment neighbour has
:: removed all of his, but his were all one variety and I have 2 of each
:: of about 10 varietie and am waiting to see if any are resistant to
:: blight.
:: It's heartbreaking!
:: Pam in Bristol

You can try Dithane 945 but imo it's a waste of time trying to hold off the
blight as once it's in the vicinity, it doesn't seem to be stopped very