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Old 20-07-2007, 06:22 PM posted to rec.gardens
TOTB TOTB is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 6
Default California Lilac looks like it is dying :(

David E. Ross wrote:

"California lilac" is not a true lilac. It's Ceanothus, which is native
to California and grows wild on the walls of Malibu Canyon near my home.
The flowers are either blue or white. As a California native,
Ceanothus needs well-draining soil that is not constantly moist.

True lilac is Syringa. It needs regular watering, which would kill
Ceanothus. It generally will not thrive in southern California because
it prefers a good winter chill. (Although Descanso Gardens have
developed mild-winter hybrids, those often fail to flower as profusely
or grow as vigorously as Syringa grown where snow is common in the
winter.) Syringa may have pink, magneta, yellow, white, purple, violet,
lavender, or blue flowers. 'Beauty of Moscow' is Syringa vulgaris
(common lilac).

I rather guessed that from the name, and always forget ours are syringa.
They look a lot like them except for an explosion of blooms on the
Carlifornia ones we will never see on ours. If I saw a closeup, there
would probably be a difference in the blooms, leaves or both. Thanks,
just wanted to acknowledge your response.