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Old 20-07-2007, 11:03 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
John Vanini John Vanini is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 129
Default Onion Seeds versus Onion Sets

Thanks to all of you who replied to my question onion sets/seeds. I'm
new to vegetable growing and trying to learn as fast as I can.

I took on two allotments, two years ago, for health reasons and the first
year, full of excitement and enthusiasm, I grew everything I'd ever heard
of - and did they grow! This, last, year I calmed down a bit and planned
things better but still managed to grow things I really didn't need or even

For this coming year, however, I'm now considering what I really do want to
grow, reading as much as I can, and asking lots of questions. I wish I'd
started vegetable gardening before but there was this thing called 'work'
and I spent too much time there - but now I've finally retired and I wish I'd
dobne that before as well - around the age of 23, perhaps!!!!

I've read all that's been sent and am very grateful, to you all, for your
advice of which I shall take notice - I promise!.

Thanks again.
