For lots of pond advice for RES, check out the Turtle Homes listserv on
Yahoo... they have pics and lots and lots and lots of suggestions.
Bonnie Keller
VA Reptile Rescue
"Dave Bell" wrote in message
I'm throwing the question out to the collective wisdom of these groups to
help me brainstorm a small, good-weather, pond extension.
We have two mature Red Eared Sliders that have been living indoors, in a
100 gallon tank for a number of years. We also have a large backyard pond,
around 3500 gallons, with lots of plants, moderate to light fish load, and
veggie and mechanical filtration. I'm thinking of adding a PVC preform
pond liner sitting on the deck edge, for a turtle tank. Have a continuous
waterfall trickle into the tank, with an overflow lip back to the main
pond, dry and submerged (6" to 10") areas, partial shade, and a 4x4" wire
mesh box over all. Put some umbrella palms (I have a *lot* this Spring!)
and probably some other smaller plants in, as well.
Any suggestions, additions, warnings, laughter?