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Old 19-07-2007, 02:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Tweedy Janet Tweedy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,927
Default Onion Seeds versus Onion Sets

In article , John Vanini
Every year I have bought onion sets and have had a reasonable success rate
but I am considering, for the coming year, growing from seed. Has anyone any
experience of this and can advise me of the advantages and the
disadvantages.- and, perhaps, suggest any particular variety? I have looke4d
at the on-line catalogues but can't really make up my mind which to go for.

If all else fails go for one with an RHS award, that usually means they
are fairly dependable. Or visit your nearest allotments and ask the
gardeners what they recommend.

Not sure where you are but Brighton & Hove Council do run several sites
though I know there aren't many around Saltdean way as my brother wanted
Janet Tweedy
Dalmatian Telegraph