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Old 18-07-2007, 02:50 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,811
Default Venus Fly Traps - How do they digest flies?

In message , "David
(Normandy)" writes

"K" wrote in message
"David (Normandy)" writes
Anyone know how do Venus fly traps digest flies? Mine earns its keep on
windowsill by catching an assortment of house flies, gnats etc, but when
traps eventually re-open the flies still look intact and undigested.

I've always assumed they digest the soft bits not the hard bits. Are you
sure the flies aren't just empty husks of flies?

They might be. I'll have a prod. I just wondered if the plants put some sort
of "roots" into the flies, otherwise I can't see how they extract any
goodness from them.

My recollection is that the Venus Fly-Trap (Dionaea muscipula) secretes
enzymes which digest the trapped flies, and absorbs the resulting
nutrients through the leaf surface.

There's a series of articles in New Phytologist - The Secretory Cycle of
Dionaea muscipula Ellis I-V. These should tell you more than want to


Stewart Robert Hinsley