Thread: Deer fence
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Old 01-04-2003, 12:08 AM
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Default Deer fence

In article xp2ia.24641$OV.119707@rwcrnsc54, "burl" wrote:

There were two recommendations that I didn't think really applied. One was
hunting or eradicating the deer and I figured if someone was a hunter they
would have thought of that already. The other one made me chuckle - dart
them with contraceptives. Seems a little beyond the range of the average
homeowner. The number of deer in the US is amazing though:

"The deer population in North America is now 28 million-it was 500,000 at
the turn of the century. The annual dollar loss to the farming industry and
homeowners from deer damage is estimated to be in excess of one billion

I'm vegetarian myself, but for people who are not, I think it SHOULD be an
option to kill garden-marauders if the purpose is to eat them. Also, to
keep all things fair & to convey a sense of equality among animals, this
should apply to human marauders too.

-paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl: