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Old 13-07-2007, 09:12 AM posted to soc.history,sci.agriculture,
a_plutonium a_plutonium is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 42
Default the pony-horse reminds me of Buridan's story ANIMAL STORIES

Buridan's donkey story is where the donkey is equidistant between two
equally tempting piles of hay and
because they are equal in every way the donkey can not make up its
mind which to start eating and thus
starves to death. This story is obviously impractical, but it wants to
focus on a message.

However, my pony horse has a new twist on the Buridan story. My pony
horse wants to come close
to me because I often feed them with fig-newtons or other cookies, but
my pony horse wants to
stay away from me if not with cookies and so it immediately prances
away if not bearing cookies.

And whenever I get on the pony horse to ride, he has figured out that
by standing still, is the fastest
way of getting rid of me as a rider. The donkey has not figured that
out yet and will take me quite a distance.
But the pony horse has that figured out real well.

So, now, my Pony Horse Buridan story. The pony wants to come close to
me to see if there are
cookies in my hand, but if no cookies then the pony wants to prance
away out of reach of me trying
to catch him. So the pony is closer to a true Buridan story.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies