In article , Steve
"Emrys Davies" wrote in message
Take your cuttings in August or September and if you follow the guidence
in this link you will be definitely be
Best to choose cuttings which have no flower heads.
If you hunt round the plant there's usually one or two shoots that have
yet to develop flowers, or failing that I would chance one or two
cuttings from the plant and just cut the flower and top inch of growth
off. I find hydrangeas root easily. Take a piece of semi ripe stem, not
the very young soft growth or the darker older stiffer wood, cutting
just under a shoot, strip lower leaves off and leave just one or two
leaves, (so it doesn't need too much water)
Shove it into some gritty compost or sharp sand water in keep in shade.
Well that's what I do, if some fail and some take , well you have more
than enough!. Wouldn't take from shoot that had flowered and was going
Janet Tweedy
Dalmatian Telegraph