K was thinking very hard :
Wane Smooth writes
It happens that Wane Smooth formulated :
Hi all.My lawn in covered with weeds.Amongst them are a lot of one type
that the goldfinches come to eat regularly.
At first glance it looks like a young dandelion (there are a lot of
those)but the surface of the leaf and the spine underneath are covered in
sharp spines.
Any ideas on what this weed is,thanks.
OK, think I got it.
Anchusa arvensis.
Thanks for the replies.
I'd be very surprised - it's a plant of bare sandy places rather than lawns.
Yep, I agree after reading up on it.
It's not just in the lawn though,its was everywhere.
We do sow pkts.of wildflower seeds,and about 3 years ago we set off
traveling.The kids did a wonderful job of ignoring the garden so it was
a jungle on our return this year,and the only bit I havn't weeded is
the lawn,then enter the goldfinches,hence my original question.
I'll have to let some flower and see.Whatever it is,if the goldfinches
like it,I like it.
Regards From
Wane Smooth
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