humanity's mistaken view of the best use of horses ripe fruitversus unripe fruit ; horse, Llama, donkey
the greatest obstacles will be your personal abilities to process into
utilizing all that valuable content of the butchered animal without
loosing all those other excellent parts
above all you need a freezing room for the meat and many cookery
equipment for sausages etc., supposed you know the anatomy and how to
portion it
answering your question for best age of butchering I would direct your
attention to a new trend of cattle maintenance in Europe, called
"mother-cow breeding" (translated literally), where the young calf stays
one year with its mother - getting her milk, and then being butchered
have some patience, I'll look on the web to deliver you better hints
hello Archie,
get into Google with "cow-calf production" and "home butchering" and you
will find all you are looking for
nevertheless I am still interested in your further adventures, keep us
cheers kauhl