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Old 10-07-2007, 01:16 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
madgardener madgardener is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 230
Default ping Madgardener - OT

Klara wrote:

Hope you're ok.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow (Tuesday is eye 2, isn't it?)

Thinking about you!

I've been lurking on this group for a couple years now. I
live on a boat and have recently been allowed gardening
access to a friend's yard. You all have provided us with
countless good advice and our gardening adventure has been,
on the whole, very successful. But there is nothing better
than getting online and finding one of Maddie's rambles to
savour. Since she has given me so many hours of enjoyment
I'd really like to help at least get her back online. So if
someone is organizing something I'd like to be included.
Please email me.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Thanks Klara. 10 a.m. EST 3 p.m. UK time for you when I go under the
other knife......right eye is sharp at a distance and feels like a
boulder is in there.......might take some time to adjust to the FEEL of
the lens they put behind me retina. I will definitely need prescription
glasses once the left eye is healed though. I can't see a bloody thing
up close! It absolutely FREAKS me out! and I'm losing my internet due
to lack of responsibility lately.....................I should cross post
my letter to my garden friends............sigh........... thanks for
your concerns and care. My love and hugs to you lady. (by the way, I
have BLUSTER BEETLES eating my Japanese anemone right

madgardener up on the hazy ridge, back in Faerie Holler overlooking
English Mountain in Eastern Tennessee