Thread: Friend or foe?
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Old 09-07-2007, 09:55 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default Friend or foe?

On 9/7/07 02:19, in article ,
"Denise" wrote:

Hello fellow gardeners! This is my semi-annual visit to your group :-)

Where I live in upstate New York USA, we have an over-population of
deer. Plenty of accidents involving cars hitting deer and one of my
least favorite things to have to see are dead deer on the side of the

I have a few that visit my gardens (have a photo or two of deer on my
garden webpages) This past winter they cut back my large rhododendrons
and I wasn't too thrilled but I'm happy to say they all grew back and
had blooms. During spring, summer and fall, I use a product called
Hinder. You put a few drops in a spray bottle of water and spray your
flowers and shrubs and the deer do not munch! I've been using Hinder for
over ten years and would not have ANY flowers if I didn 't use it every
couple weeks.


Tour of my gardens:

Thanks Denise. I'm going to pass that on to an American friend, also in
upstate NY who has deer eating her roses. She made me laugh by telling me
that she might as well take Bambi to the local garden centre and let him
pick out his favourite rose bushes!
I am immensely impressed with your house and garden transformation. What a
fantastic job.
(remove weeds from address)
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