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Old 08-07-2007, 07:15 PM posted to soc.history,,
a_plutonium a_plutonium is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 42
Default humanity's mistaken view of the best use of horses ripe fruit versus unripe fruit ; horse, Llama, donkey

kauhl-meersburg wrote:
a_plutonium schrieb:
kauhl-meersburg wrote:

please don't forget to leave some corners unoccupied for botanical

Do you know if horses or cows eat hazelnut bushes? The horse ate out
my strawberry bed when I was not looking.

surely they do - have you never seen a wood border, touching a cow
pasture - leaf region only begins in 2 yards height

leaves must have some other ingredients than grass, which is like spice
for cattle - by this method I solve my hedge growing problem, everyday
an armful of fresh branches as dessert

cheers kauhl

How do you handle or solve flys and insects in the summertime. The
horse is constantly bothered with flys on his legs?

And I need advice on butchering a cow in the future. Have you ever
butchered your own cow for steaks and meat? And can a person
butcher his own cattle to get the world's finest steak meat, ie,
organically grown steak meat?

Do I need salt and some cellar?

Have you ever butchered and achieved great steak meat?

And is there a age at which cows are ethically butchered-- I
mean where they have had a long enough life and where their
meat is perhaps not the best eating but good eating.

So is there an age at which a cow or bull is allowed to live a
good life and balances with the desire to have good meat
to eat?

Question: have you ever eaten horse meat steaks or
Llama meat steaks?

Butchering is all new to me. Maybe I should not get involved
but with my curiosity, I probably cannot avoid finding out.

So have you ever butchered and can you give advice? I want
organic and great tasting meat. Or is it impossible unless
you have a large setup to salt and store and cure the meat?

Would not the finest eating steak be fresh from the "kill"?

And do you have some advice as to "humanely kill a cow" so
there is little to no pain?

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies