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Old 06-07-2007, 10:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David \(Normandy\) David \(Normandy\) is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 314
Default Plant / Weed ID Please

"Mary Fisher" wrote in message
. net...

"David (Normandy)" wrote in message
Anyone know what these seedlings are? They are around 4 inches high and
growing rapidly. We've had lots come up in seed trays, plant pots etc.
look vaguely familiar somehow so I pricked these three out into a pot of
their own. The seeds must have originated in the multi purpose compost.
first thought was tomato seedlings but we've lost all ours (and the
too) to blight and whatever these are seem to be blight resistant, they
thriving next to the dying and blighted toms.


Hmm - nothing like tomatoes. They almost look like tree seeds ...


May have to just leave them growing and see what they become. I like mystery
plants. Except when it turns out I'm cultivating a monster such as deadly
nightshade! You should see the cute little wildflower I carefully
transplanted from the veg plot to the orchard. It has grown to over six feet
with several yellow flower spikes and lots of big furry silvery leaves which
have been largely destroyed by caterpillars - I may post of photo of it
tomorrow for identification.
