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Old 06-07-2007, 05:11 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce La Puce is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,423
Default Suggestions for Spring Veg?

On 6 Jul, 15:55, "

Angel, darling, dearest, where in this last paragraph of yours or on
this thread, or in the last 2 weeks have you been talking about
gardening, exactly?! If there's one to talk off topic, you're the
greatest one of us all! Not a complaint, naturally, just a simple

"... do and a motor mower! but it's all about reducing the risks and
try to but asbestosis when diagnosed is too late to do anything, it
terminal, there is no cure and the prognosis that when one displays
symptoms, it means that you have been exposed to it maybe 30 years
ago? I suppose if I am around in 30 years I wouldn't care too much
but right now all I can do is reduce the risk of everything that
be considered hazardous and that includes, it seems, breathing".