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Old 06-07-2007, 04:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Mary Fisher Mary Fisher is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,441
Default Plague of snails.

" wrote in message
On Jul 6, 12:04 pm, "Mary Fisher" wrote:

There are different kinds of asbestos, the type used for garages is
consolidated and not a problem.

Correct me if I am wrong Mary, but even the consolidated type poses a
risk when broken up?

ALL dust can cause a problem. If the garage is dismantled in a controlled
manner there won't be a problem.

I have a Belday ironing board that I had when I was single and living
in a flat 40 years ago!! The ironing board is as good as new but it
has an asbestos plate for the iron to stand on. I am so frightened of
the risk of asbestosis, due to seeing my friend's husband slowly dying
before my eyes, that I want to get rid of the entire board. Am I
overreacting or am I being sensible and cautious?

Those mats were often made of the 'wrong' type of asbestos and even flakes
at the edges. The fact that millions of us used them with no effect poses an
interesting problem :-) But if you're worried get rid of it. A new ironing
board isn't going to break the bank.

I lived not too far from the asbestos factory in Leeds and even played in
the streets nearby - but I didn't work inside it and wasn't breathing in the
often invisible dust over long stretches of time.

My huband worked in a metallurgical laboratory and often ground the 'bad'
asbestos to powder in a mortar. So far he's OK. He also makes things from
horn, antler and bone - most of the time forgetting to wear a mask. Not that
a mask would protect against the finest dust.

We all have to die from something, he and I both have cancer although it
might not kill us.

Don't you drive a car? I've seen people die horribly as the result of car
accidents but I still get behind the wheel.
