g'day keith,
lots of folk can't see the "trees for the forest" or is it the "forest
for the trees"???? chuckle.
i go with 'broadback' a tad here "keith my friend it is all about
profits and raking extra charges out of us hapless citizens, all so
that pollies and their cohort corporate mates can line their pockets
well and truely "red".
car manufacturers make cars not fuel, and the system isn't interested
in making a new fuel whilst they can manipulate huge profits out of
the existing product. now if the general community showed more sense
we would work together and buy the smallest cars we can with the
smallest motors and hence use less of their golden product, but alas
and alack as over here the general community buys biggest cars, V8's,
big 6 cylinder jobs, high performance motors big 4X4's (suv's), and
there is gross hooning in the streets burning rubber and fuel. the
gov' sees all that and says well what the heck they have more
disposaable income that we reckon they have so let's jack up charges
and prices. and a family with mum, dad and 4 kids will soon be a house
of 5 or 6 cars in the driveway.
the environment or resource conservation has nought to do with it,
they have divided the community and built a fear campagne and have all
running scared.
that's it in a nut-shell.
On Thu, 05 Jul 2007 16:13:45 GMT, "Keith Kent"
With peace and brightest of blessings,
len & bev
"Be Content With What You Have And
May You Find Serenity and Tranquillity In
A World That You May Not Understand."