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Old 05-07-2007, 06:58 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Keith Kent Keith Kent is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 69
Default drought,we must use water sensibly!

"Broadback" wrote in message
Keith Kent wrote:
It makes me chuckle ,look in the mags/media about using water
sensibly,use drought tolerant plants in borders/baskets ,store water, you
know what i mean.Us gardeners/public have had this rammed down us throats
and now we have had that much rain we have not got a clue what to do with
it!Problem with this country/government is we don`t cut a problem out
from the source,we always lay the blame which results in charges that
don,t work.Ex-Too many cars on roads/global warming = high fuel costs.Why
don`t all countrys force car manufacturers to produce a cleaner car fuel
and then sell the fuel as cheap as possible.Water shortage(ha ha) = blame
public,increase water charge,tell everyone they should be doing there bit
by recycling water.Why don`t the water companys make more water storage
facilitys.UK has enough rainfall in a year for the whole of the country
to never be short of water,no matter how sunny and dry it is.We don`t
store enough it is that simple,it would also help if they fixed all the
water leaks everywere quickly.Theft = you may get your hands smacked or a
fine or nothing or as a last resort you may get sent down in luxury, but
it is a last resort as the prisons are full!! What about you WILL be sent
down for 5 years with the basics.
I know i have had my rant but feel we really need to get back to black
and white so we all know where we stand,there is so much bullshit in this
Cheers Keith

Ah Keith, I hate to write it but you are simple! You see, what you must
appreciate is that all politicians (also, of course public servants) have
inflation proof pensions. These they must preserve, so taxes must for ever
be increasing, hence any problems must have money thrown at it, so that
tax increases are accepted by the simple! (That includes myself)

We as a nation have got things badly wrong and i fear for our next
generation.They can raise money without hiding behind taxes.Bring back the
days when this country could offer something to other countrys in export.We
should have other countrys by the short and curlys ,not the other way
round.Carrier bags is another one,why pussy foot around ,just ban them.The
only thing i think we have got right is the smoking ban,wether a agree with
it or not it is black and white.Thank god they didn`t complicate the ban
with places that are exempt.
One more thing lets get back to in season, not perfect fruit and veg!!