Spring weather?
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04-07-2007, 12:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Uncle Marvo
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 742
Spring weather?
In reply to Barb ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :
"David (Normandy)" wrote in message
I can contribute a pair of slugs.
Due to limitations of space, there will not be room for every type of
animal, so I'm excluding slugs, snails, aphids, black fly, white
fly, vine weevils, cabbage white butterflies, moles, rabbits and
wood pigeons. Cats are on the maybe list. Any other suggestions for
exclusions? David.
Wasps a definite - I can't really see much point in them.
I also hate spiders, but I can see that they are important so I
suppose I'd have to put up with them!
Read "does anything eat wasps". It won't make you like them any better, but
it does say what they do. It appears that if there were no wasps, all in
all, the world would be a better place.
Cats can be useful in controlling small vermin (and they'd control the
spiders ... although my very elderly moggy just sniffs them and lets
them get away) Dogs also have their uses, but the horrible little
yappy snarly ones can definitely be dispensed with!
Cats do more doo-doos in my "garden" than rabbits. And I don't own a cat. At
least dog owners tend to collect their own :-)
As far as micro organisms are concerned - yeasts/fungi in particular
- we should keep the ones that brew wine, but not the ones that cause
itchy bits in places where the sun don't shine !!!! :-)))
And nematode worms, for the slugs.
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Uncle Marvo
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