Thread: ID of Acacia
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Old 01-07-2007, 12:04 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham Charlie Pridham is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 412
Default ID of Acacia

"Dave Poole" wrote in message
On Jun 30, 7:07 pm, Klara wrote:

In Hungary what is generally known as acacia is in fact robinia
pseudoacacia. There is also a variety with pink blossom: Robinia
pseudoacacia Casque Rouge.

No, every aspect of Robinia is significantly different from that of
any Acacia at the very first glance. Both Sacha and Ray are very
familiar with both genera and could not mistake them. I can't help
wondering whether this may be Acacia elata - I should have paid
attention a few weeks ago. It is not widely seem in the UK, but does
occasionally make an appearance from haphazardly collected seeds.
Compared to A. dealbata, the foliage is slightly more lush and glossy
green rather than silver grey. It flowers later than dealbata with
racemes of creamy white, globose flowers heads (about one third larger
than dealbata). It is grown in the eastern Med and to my mind is a
very attractive tree.

There used to be a very fine example in the front garden of a house up
on the hill from here. It started flowering in late March and was
still carrying flowers in July. During the long hot summer of 1990 it
flowered almost continuously through to October. New owners a few
years later replaced it with a mountain ash. Morons! It is less
hardy than dealbata and probably only suitable for planting in the
southernmost counties. I can't remember there being any significant
fragrance, but that does not mean there is none.

Would this be the same one we see flowering under the Eucalypts on Madeira
in October? flowers paler than dealbata foliage similar too but not quite
the same - been wondering what it is!

Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collections of Clematis viticella (cvs) and
Lapageria rosea