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Old 30-06-2007, 01:00 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,811
Default Plant ID (with a difference!)

In message , "David
(Normandy)" writes
I feel a bit silly asking, but can anyone tell me what seeds I've bought (in
I don't know what these vegetables are. The sowing and cultivation
instructions seem simple enough, but I don't actually recognise what these
veg are let alone how to cook or prepare them after they've grown?


Google is your friend. (Or perhaps Babelfish would have done the job as
well - I haven't tried it.)

Cichorium endivia is known as endive in English.

Poirée is a leaf beet; the Interwiki takes you to the English page for
Chard. I'd translate Verte a Carde Blanche as green with white heart,
but my French dictionary doesn't have an entry for Carde, so that's a

I'm not certain which of chard, leaf beet or spinach beet would be the
best translation.
Stewart Robert Hinsley