David (Normandy) wrote:
"'Mike'" wrote in message
I thought that the psychological thing of emptying a water but in June
would cause a drought and thus return us to Summer, but no, overnight the
butts have filled, the new tap is just fine ............. when we 'do' want
water, and the new coupling and overflow system are working well, ......
too well. we don't want them working :-((
Sorry folks. I did my best.
The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.
'THE' Association if you served in the Electrical Branch of the Royal Navy
Reunion Bournemouth August/September 2007
It's all my fault - buying that damn water pump. I might have known that
would make it rain endlessly.
David, you are only to blame for the Normandy rain, I am at fault for
the UK one. I lashed out a lot of money for piping, pump and controller.
Spent all the hot dry weather burying the pipe, used the system once,
not stopped raining since! Not that I am complaining, there is not
chance of flooding on my property, unlike many other places in the UK.