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Old 28-06-2007, 04:23 PM posted to rec.ponds
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,004
Default big pond - big problem

there are a few of us hanging around to answer questions and steer
people to the moderated rec.ponds.
you can get usenet "on the web" without an ISP providing the
there are several but the one above is free.

however, your friend needs to get a filter in there, or, like mine put
in a veggie filter.
and he needs to get some really good aeration going. Ingrid

On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 14:41:22 +0100, "Sky-Catcher" bobhope@nohope


A friend got a bit carried away with a digger and now has a rectangular pond
holding 200,000 litres - and the water is green and full of fish - now he
wants to know how he can filter it & keep on top of the green water
problem - any suggestions - he is in the UK



ps he likes it and doesn't want to fill half of it in!