Suggestions for Spring Veg?
"David (Normandy)" wrote ..
Has anyone any suggestions for vegetables that can be planted for
during late Winter and Spring?
As much as I like leeks and Spring greens a bit more variety of fresh
would be nice at that time of the year.
Cauliflower, ie. "Walcheren Winter Armardo April" or similar
The best ones to grow, reliable and clean heads with no added meat! Might
just get away with planting now but mine are planted out already. F1 so the
only problem is how many you can eat in two weeks. :-)
Brussels Sprout, some late non bitter varieties are available to take you
through to late spring.
"Winter Tundra" Cabbage, reliable and holds well (if it's cold).
Savoy, must be some late ones available.
Cavolo Nero, mine lasts well into spring but give it plenty of room as it
gets tall.
Carrots, mine last in the ground until spring when they start to flower to
provide seed for the following year.
Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK