"Uncle Marvo" wrote in message
In reply to Ed_Zep ) who wrote this in
, I, Marvo, say :
We're talking *seriously* overgrown. Brambles have grown to over 8 ft
high and spread into my garden. The rest of the garden is different
weeds but the whole plot is overgrown.
She spends her time looking after her elderly father and watching TV
and seems to have no inclination to do anything about it so I was
going to offer to help.
Apart from being a good neighbour, I may want to sell my house next
Can anyone recommend the expeditious way of clearing all this
(particularly the brambles). The area of brambles is about 6 feet
wide, 8ft high, 20 feet long?
Thanks, Ed.
Either SBK (serious stuff) or Glysophate. The latter is friendlier. Or a
big industrial-strength petrol strimmer with a metal wire, which is an
afternoon's fun with a boy's toy.
Or a chainsaw, hedgetrimmer various applications of these until it gets
short enough to burn safely.
Been there done that with 8 feet high brambles. Glyphosate is no good on
brambles, it just makes them look poorly for a few weeks then they continue
growing with slightly deformed foliage. Even with repeat full strength doses
it survives. You have to use the strong weedkiller. Digging them up will not
succeed either as they will regrow from small missed bits of root. Best bet
is to chop them down with a powerful strimmer first, burn or otherwise
dispose of the cut brambles, then spray the remainder. A repeat spray may be
needed if they start to sprout again. Once brambles get a good hold they are
difficult to eradicate, where they touch the ground they root so tend to
layer themselves all over the place.