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Old 23-06-2007, 11:57 PM posted to rec.gardens
Billy Rose Billy Rose is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 951
Default rototilling rocky soil

In article ,
"Eigenvector" wrote:

The soil my yard sits on it extremely rocky. It's very nice soil, all
glacial till and stream bed composition, but more rocks than I care to
count. Digging a hole is an exercise in futility as I will encounter round
rocks about the size of a baseball or grapefruit more often than not.

I would like to take a rototiller to a patch of land but fear what will
happen with all those damn rocks. What kind of things should I look out for
when rototilling really rocky soil? Do I need a special tiller, should I
simply not do it, would renting one be a bad idea (I'm thinking of damage to
the unit), would a rototiller not do a good job? Are there other options
besides a tractor?

Sounds as good an argument for raised beds as I've ever heard. Or you
could build some of those quaint rock fences that are so popular in New
England. First, get yerself half a dozen illegal Mexicans (Canadians
just ain't no good for this) and some implements of destruction. Be sure
to work with them, to model the proper work ethic and you'd be amazed
what can be wreaked in a day.

Of course, they would rather be back in Mexico but NAFTA and our
$10,000,000,000 CORN SUBSIDY (ain't that a kick in the head?) chased
them off their lands.
Coloribus gustibus non disputatum (mostly)