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Old 19-06-2007, 09:35 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening,,sci.agriculture.poultry,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian
Jim Webster[_4_] Jim Webster[_4_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 6
Default Matthews caught yet again

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 00:37:37 +0100, (Steve Firth)


Jim, if you met the man and talked to him, you would realise that he
is a decent man, write to him personally, tell him how you feel, I bet
you he will respond personally to you and if you raise any concerns,
he will look into them, he is a decent man, he would never condone

It's not Jim that you are responding to.

Yes it is bully.

It's a lunatic who would like
to think of himself as an animal "rights" activist.

I'm hardly active!

This lunatic
commonly styles himself "pete"

*pete* is a figment of the shallow imagination of you and a few of
your bully friends, it allows you to feel you can bully with impunity,
as if you used real names you would be had for libel. You'll get over

except when he is imitating his betters.

That's rich coming from a troll at the bottom of the dung heap!

He likes to gloat about digging up other people's deceased relatives

Really where? Webster is currently claiming he reburies them, so make
your minds up!

his honesty may be judgd from his desire to pass himself off as someone

You have less chance of having a rational conversation with pete than
you have of having a rational conversation with a turkey.

Spoken like a true fruitcake.

I've heard olive oil saleswomen speak more sense!