JennyC writes
This any good?
I grow a lot of different fruit bushes and trees but I want to know if I can
grow cranberries as they seem not to be readily grown in the U.K?
Yes you can. They are ericaceous plants that belong to the heather family,
needing acid soil or acid loving plant fertiliser such as miracle grow
ericaceous food. They require a wet site and are great if used as ground
cover. There is no need to buy male plants and female plants as they are
self fertile and the flowers are produced late spring and the cranberries
are produced in autumn if you follow the instructions. They are also
suitable for pot growing and three planted in a 12 inch pot (30cm) will be
fun to watch mature.
Cranberry is native to the UK and grows in boggy mountainous areas. It
may be a different species that is grown commercially, though.