holy cow man, thanks for the advice
"Eggs Zachtly" wrote in message
bent said:
Well I've got a lot of tiny 1/4" - 3/4" little blades,
You need to quit over-thinking this whole grass thing, and quit worrying
about the temperature(s) stated on the bag. You have absolutely *no*
control over the temperature. Since the time that you've planted the seed,
most likely what will germinate, already has. If it hasn't already
germinated, it most likely won't. Keep the area moist, gradually cutting
back on the watering, giving it a deep soaking as needed (around 1" per
week), and let nature run it's course. Good grief, man. Give the "freaking
out" a rest.
If there was any logic in this world, it would be men who ride
not women.
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