Well I've got a lot of tiny 1/4" - 3/4" little blades, and I've got a lot of
nothing. I am curious how to interpret the "seeds will not germinate above
26C" statement on the bag. Best, 15-26C average, but not at all above 26C.
I have been interpreting the 15-26C temp directions to mean that the temp
now, on average, means its a good time to seed. However, because the temp
is getting above 26C for the whole days now, its now 27C, even up to 31C,
but not too much over 27 or 28; right now its 26.
So what happens now that it is 1 or 2 degrees C above 26, all day of
sunlight long. But it is several degrees below 26C all night, or for over
50%, so the average is still in the sweet spot. If I could have predicted,
I would have tried to arrange daytime temps no greater than 26, but never
below 15C. The heat (out of directions) has been here a week, and I've got
about a week to go I think to tell whats what wrt whats gonna germinate.
The 15C would have been in play if I started a week earlier. I'm in
Toronto. I'm also FOS.
So what is gonna happen to the seeds that haven't started yet, but would
have, a greater area than have started; and what is gonna happen to the
little blades that have started? Will they "work" at night (because of the
50% 26C) , or are they too much affected (because of the 50% 26C) to work?
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