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Old 10-06-2007, 02:25 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default Pinus montezumae

On 10/6/07 12:37, in article , "p.k."

Sacha wrote:
Does anyone know of a supplier of these? I've given a customer the
list from the Plant Finder but none has it.

architectural plants

I am on my second one. I grow it in a pot as a single stem pinching out all
but the central growing point, it makes a stunning tactile talking point. A
real teddy bear of a plant you just need to cuddle as soon as you see it

I've ordered some seed from B&T World Seeds, so it will be interesting to
see what does - or doesn't - come up. That said, I have to admit that I
greatly prefer Pinus patula, which we have 'up the field' or Cupressus
cashmeriana, which David P once gave me, to P. montezumae, rarity
notwithstanding! I suppose I'm not much into conifers so can't get too
worked up about any of them but my preferences have more elegance to me,
though the colour of P. montezumae is stunning. As it 'bites' me every
time I walk down the steps onto the big lawn, I can't call it too cuddly,
I'm afraid. ;-)

(remove weeds from address)