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Old 05-06-2007, 12:28 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
K K is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Small fruit tree

Frank Booth Snr writes

Cherries, apricots, and almonds are not part of the Rosa genus.

Was anyone suggesting they were? ;-)

They come under the Prunus genus,
although they actually come under the Rosacae family. I always think
the genus is a much more accurate way of identifying plants' common

Well, is should be, since it is a closer relationship than the family -
ie all plants of the family will share the defining characteristics of
the family, but within the family, there are sub groups of
characteristics which define the genus.

the almond is a Prunus.
Amygdala is the Latin name for the bitter almond.

OK - some googling - Almond - Prunus dulcis, syn Prunus amygdalus,
Amygdalus communis. I though bitter and sweet almonds were varieties of
the same species, rather than different species?