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Old 30-03-2003, 03:33 AM
Carl L Rosner
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] honeysuckle to benefit IBC

I think you will have more hits on Ebay than the IBC, however this is
your choice to make, since it is for the benifit of the IBC, you could
put the starting bid at a certain price or put a ceiling that must be
reached.. If that ceiling is not met than call off the auction after a
specific number of days. You can use Ebay as a last resort.

Good luck and thanks in advance for your generous offer to help keep
the IBC afloat!

Carl L. Rosner

This way the IBC will be guaranteed at least the amount you have set.

We dug up a good tree that will be small enough so it will ship ok via UPS. It has
a nicely shaped trunk and some taper. I'll post a pic this week. It's raining
now, so I don't feel like running out and working on it. I'm tired too. Doug came
away with 5 trees, Jay with 3 or 4, another guy with 4, I think Mike took 2, and I
got 2. A very good day. The rain started just as we went out after lunch to dig
up the IBC benefit tree.

I'll post a message on the list when everything is set for the gallery. If anyone
has suggestions how to auction this off I'd appreciate it. Doug suggested eBay.
Would this be ok, or should I just do it myself?

Craig Cowing
Zone 5b/6a

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