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Old 30-03-2003, 03:33 AM
Bart Thomas
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] honeysuckle to benefit IBC

Hi, Craig.

Sorry about that rain...

If you plan to deliver the tree to the MidAtlantic (via Jay), you've got
less than 2 weeks to finalize the deal. If you have to settle through
Reiner, there's probably not enough time to make the MidAtlantic.

If you don't want to restrict bidding to IBC members, eBay is probably the
way to go, as you'll get more exposure (pace, Jim L). It would probably help
to mention that the tree is being sold for the benefit of the IBC.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Cowing"

We dug up a good tree that will be small enough so it will ship ok via

UPS. It has
a nicely shaped trunk and some taper. I'll post a pic this week. It's

now, so I don't feel like running out and working on it. I'm tired too.

Doug came
away with 5 trees, Jay with 3 or 4, another guy with 4, I think Mike took

2, and I
got 2. A very good day. The rain started just as we went out after lunch

to dig
up the IBC benefit tree.

I'll post a message on the list when everything is set for the gallery.

If anyone
has suggestions how to auction this off I'd appreciate it. Doug suggested

Would this be ok, or should I just do it myself?

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