g'day nmartin,
be best if you could identify where the roots are coming from, i don't
know much of the 2 types of hedge plants you mention, but it could one
or both of them, if those plants are capable of having invasive root
just because they are kept trimmed into a hedge won't stop the roots
from fully developing, so maybe you could start by researching the
invasiveness or otherwise of those 2 plants?
other than that you could put a root barrier in not going to be cheap
and of course not a 100% fix but it si probably going to be your only
way unless you remove the offending plant(s).
of course if you sue some tree poison onto the roots as you suggest
you may very well find the problem plant as it will most likely die
from that action.
another offender is ficus trees even if they are something like 30
meters away. would also be thinking these roots could be doing damage
to you house foundations?
On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 13:08:51 +0100, "Martin Harran"
With peace and brightest of blessings,
len & bev
"Be Content With What You Have And
May You Find Serenity and Tranquillity In
A World That You May Not Understand."