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Old 01-06-2007, 08:10 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Broadback Broadback is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 424
Default Tree Roots Under Tarmac

'Mike' wrote:
"Martin Harran" wrote in message
I'm having a major problem with tree roots cracking my tarmac drive.

I'm not sure exactly where the roots are coming from, I have a beech hedge
alongside the driveway, about 8 yeras old and only 4 ft high. Immediately
behind that is a Leylandii hedge that my neighbour planted about 10 years
ago which he keeps trimmed about 8 ft high - I'm much more suspicious of
the leylandii.

I don't want really want to cut down my own beech hedge - I planted it in
front of the leylandii because I detest leylandii hedging - and I don't
want to ask my neighbour to kill off his hedge when I'm not certain that
is casuing the problem.

What I was thinking of doing was to drill some holes in the tarmac where
the cracks are and try to kill off the roots at that point, keeping my
fingers crossed that the hedge will survive with the roots going in the
opposite direction.

Is this likely to work and can anyone recommend a suitable chemical to

Do you live in an Avenue with trees on the pavement outside your property
and could the roots come from these?
Is there room for you to dig an investigatory trench the width of a border
spade along the edge of the tarmac to see where the roots are coming from?
Are they coming from 'North', 'South' 'East' or 'West' so to speak or just
one direction? "CAN" they be coming from anywhere or is the house/garage in
the way in certain directions?

If you do go down the line of digging a small hole in the tarmac, cut part
of the root out completely, say an inch or two, and see which way the sap
oozes, you will then see there the offending tree/s is/are. (Won't tell you
if it is your hedge or the neighbour's behind it though)


To kill the roots, and also possibly the tree:
Drill with as large a bit as possible 2/3rds of the way through the
roots, now fill the hole with undiluted weed killer, plug the hole with
putty or some such. This is best in Spring, when the sap is rising, so
should be fine now.