me garden shed roof is leaking :-(
On Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:00 GMT, Eddy Bentley
Kate Morgan wrote:
The shed is only a few months old and this is the second time it has leaked
badly, it has roof felt on it and my OH put lots more nails in the joins
and then painted some sealant on there but it has happened again, not quite
so bad but bad enough. Does anyone know of a really good sealant that we
could perhaps paint the whole to with or any other brainwaves please
Hi Kate,
If it is just a matter of generally good felt but unfortunately a number
of nails (or anything else) have pierced it, then consider buying a roll
of that bituminous stuff that I know is sold in many different widths
and lengths by FOCUS. I think £7 buys you about 10 metres by 10
centimetres. You unroll it, cut it to the required length, peel off the
plastic film from the underside, and then gently press the stuff down
over the affected area - after having thoroughly cleaned it, washed it,
and dried it. It's best to do it on a sunny day when the heat of the
sun will make the bitumin somewhat "tarry" or sticky so that you can
make sure it adheres fully and well, particularly along the outer edges.
If you are only assailed with a few sporadic holes, then buy a short
roll and cut out some patches. Think of it as "sticking plaster for
This product is a couple of millimetres thick, at least as thick as
felt, and should last as long as the felt roof does, before you next
replace the roof entirely.
Good luck.
P.S. I think it's called "Flash" something, as it's a cheap DIY
alternative to proper lead flashing on roofs and chimneys.
I use this stuff to repair splits in the felt on the flat roof of our
house extension, but I always first paint the area I'm going to repair
with a very generous coat of bitumen paint, and then apply the tape
while the bitumen paint is still wet. It helps the adhesion and
encourages a good watertight seal that you might not otherwise get.
Lasts years if done thoroughly, but can be messy (think 'Brer Rabbit
and the Tar Baby'!).
E-mail: christopher[dot]hogg[at]virgin[dot]net