help please STEEP hillside garden
I've just moved to a house with an impossibly steep back garden.
There's great potential there, it drops down - sheer from the first
level to the next - in a series of terraces to a stream, has a
fantastic view & is sheltered but not shaded to the east & north.
There's one solid retaining wall about 10 feet high between the two
top levels & lower down we've unearthed, ( literally !)some lower
walls, all nice old stone ones. The garden hasn't been touched for at
least 50 years,possibly double that, except for the building of the
very high wall. The major problem is building steps down from the top
level to the next.I don't have a clue how to go about it.
There are lots of old stone paving slabs & a lot of walling stones,
one very strong & enthusiastic labourer, & me. & almost no money. This
garden could be so fantastic & once the steps are done I can really
get going on it.
Does anyone else have a garden like this that they've conquered ?
Most people with similar gardens nearby have given up, & mine is even
steeper than the others.