Starling Chick
On Thu, 10 May 2007 16:53:18 +0100, wrote and
included this (or some of this):
On Wed, 09 May 2007 18:42:41 +0100, ®óñ© © ²°¹°-°³
On Wed, 9 May 2007 18:02:25 +0100, "CWatters"
wrote and included this (or
some of this):
In the 1960's when I was at a private nursery school in the countryside the
owner hand fed a starling. You won't like this next bit....he purchased
maggots from a fishing shop, popped them in his own mouth, chewed them up
and spat them into a jam jar lid. Then he fed the mixture to the chick using
a matchstick or coctail stick
Coarse fishermen often warm up maggots in their mouths in cold
They are also very pleasant if you put one under the foreskin
I'll cherish the thought if not the action, thank you.
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