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Old 07-05-2007, 01:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 805
Default Starling Chick

"Space" wrote in message
Help needed

We have had a problem the last two days with chicks in the garden. We

to rescue two chicks as they wandered around the garden on Saturday. Mum
and dad were flying around frantically trying to look for and then feed

chicks. Yesterday we came across another chick - it is either one of the
two or it is a third chick.

The starlings roost in our roof - and today I can't hear any activity. I
wonder if because they have lost all their chicks they have moved on
somewhere else.

Meanwhile, this chick is in a cat basket outside in the garden. We have
opened the top and it is moving around.

But after that.........what can we do?

advice I was given, when finding a young bird place it in something like an
ice cream container with some straw (or wool or something like) and hang the
container from a clothes line or the like. Somewhere cats can't climb &
where bird is safe. Mum or dad will likely find it through calling etc. From
there nature determines what transpires.
