mowers from homebase
Charlie Pridham wrote
"Road_Hog®" wrote in message
.. .
"Charlie Pridham" wrote in message
My son just bought one 20% off, not surprised he couldn't get it to run,
when I had a look no throttle cable or choke, and the bit on the engine
so as to prevent movement, "take it back" I said so he did, got his
back but discovered they were all like it and Homebase swore blind it
They are deliberately made like that. They're built to a cost, that is the
price you pay, if you want sub £100 petrol mowers.
Hence the post! as the wretched thing would not start without the choke,
once I had bent the controller so it would operate then it would start. £100
for something that will not work seems expensive to me.
I know the saying goes "You get what you pay for" but my experience with
mowers is you don't, had a great Honda but the deck rotted, had a great
Victor but the deck rotted, and a long time ago had a great mountfield,
Aluminium deck, which cracked. So I now buy cheap and replace when the deck
The metal decks have to be cleaned and rinsed scrupulously, especially
every nook and cranny underneath, after *every* use otherwise they do
rot at a fantastic speed.
Roger Hunt